An Exposition on a Stagnant West Indian Economy: Why We Won’t Come Home

I felt a sense of urgency to verbalize what many of us as educated West Indians living in the US are thinking.  I decided to cover it in 4 parts so as to provide a convenient way to not only read, but discuss accordingly.  I called Antigua out in particular because that’s where I’m from, but this article targets the OECS members in particular.  Read responsibly

Why We Won’t Come Home (Part I of IV)

Why We Won’t Come Home (Part II of IV)

Why We Won’t Come Home (Part III of IV)

Why We Won’t Come Home (Part IV of IV)

titancronusAn Exposition on a Stagnant West Indian Economy: Why We Won’t Come Home

7 Comments on “An Exposition on a Stagnant West Indian Economy: Why We Won’t Come Home”

  1. Natasha Gomes-George

    Thanks so much for this enlightening exposition. I can assure you that what you wrote resonated with me. I am also working on my departure from this country. There is nothing here for me but bad memories. I also agree that “man” makes life hard, but unlike you, I am more gender biased with that. I truly believe “man” and not woman makes life hard. The quality of Antiguan male nationals are deplorable in all spheres in Antigua and Barbuda. Socially, professionally, personally, equitably, politically and economically, they are inept and debased in thoughts, words, and deeds. There is a sense of entitlement which they parade about the country. I also consider Antiguan and Barbudan men the true demise of this island state, since they put a strain on the national goods and services(educational, medical, social, financial and economic) of this country by having on average 4 to 6 children by age 30 for at least 4-5 women gleaned from CARICOM MDC or OECS countries or from CARIFORUM countries (i.e. the Dominican Republic), and these women in turn have their own children from their respective country of birth who once legitimized by Antiguan men, now bring in their out of wedlock flock of children to get passports and citizenship and put even greater strain on Antigua and Barbuda’s national goods and services (medical, educational, social). That’s my two cents to add to your article. I do not consider myself better but a strategic thinker with her unique beat. My opinion rubs many Antiguan and Barbuda men badly and I tell them to go seek a therapist to address their low level self-esteem issues and develop a backbone.

    1. netmaster0000

      Haha at the gender bias. Well talk the truth sista, let them know what bothers you! I know you don’t mean all Antiguan men either, but what your getting at is that in general people in Antigua (and we pin point Antigua, because that’s where we’re from and thus qualified to speak about) wake up each day without a mission…a purpose…to do something productive and that is what annoys me. They settle for mediocre instead of aiming each day for progress. Then have heart to say that we’re “moving forward” as a country.

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